The Trijntjes, the maternal line behind Amusant (Amuse x Lunar x Atlantic) can be characterised as highly productive cows with correct legs. Another striking quality is their ability to maintain body condition across persistent milk record lists. Trijntje 83 (C 86, legs 89 ), the grand dam of Amusant, yielded 76,000 kg of milk with 4.49% fat and 3.63% protein and showed her prowess as a brood cow with her daughters and granddaughters. Her two daughters, Trijntje 105 and Trijntje 111 (s. Lunar), were both registered with 88 points for conformation as second-calf cows and proved to be great production cows. Trijntje 105, Amusant 's dam, noted the highest component percentages of the two sisters (4.46% fat and 3.83% protein). Amusant is the result of a mating selection with Amuse - a broad, powerful bull with a well balanced build and correct legs. Amusant combines the qualities of his paternal and maternal pedigrees.