Rødding Kaj

Breed Jersey A.I.-code 36924 Breed 100% JER
A.I.-code 36924
Herdbook number DK 05235401797
colour brown
Date of birth 22-04-2012
Breed 100% JER
Straw colour orange
aAa code 243
Kappa Casein BB
Beta Casein A1/A1
Calving ease bull yes
Calving ease 107

About Rødding Kaj

  • From the same farm as Svend
  • Descends from Danish bloodlines
  • Cow family with high production and good component percentages
  • Daughters with excellent legs and hoof health
  • Kappa casein BB
Vj Topkick
Dj Topholm
  • Average 0.8 years 8389 kg 6.04% 4.00%
Dj Izzy
  • Average 3.9 years 8156 kg 5.56% 3.93%

Fokwaarde indexen

NVI -152
INET -331

Type score

Production index

% Reliability 88
Functional traits daughters 50
Functional traits number of farms 25
KG milk -2687
% Fat 1.92
% Protein 0.59
KG fat -14
KG protein -64
Inet -331

functional traits

Calving ease 107
Vitality 92
Gestation length 104


Fertility 98
NR 102
Calving interval 98
Mat. calving process 90
Mat.Vitality 93
Persistency 103
Maturity rate 96
Udder health 95
Somatic cell count 94
Claw health 108

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