Junior PP

Breed Limousin A.I.-code 783649 Breed 100% LIM
A.I.-code 783649
Herdbook number FR 8758731067
colour red
Date of birth 20-04-2014
Breed 100% LIM

About Junior PP

Junior (PP) is a homozygous Limousin bull, who combines great length with an amazing set of legs. He was bred by Scea de Nouailhas in Vicq sur Breuilh, France.
He was sired by Jost, a German heterozygous Limousin bull out of an excellent ranked Clovis dam. His great grand sire is the famous Romario.
His dam Gonzesse scores 106 for milk and 108 for calving ease. The grand dam of Junior (PP); Vaucloise, is one of the top performers at De Nouailhas.
Junior (PP) weighed 39 kg at birth and at 120 days weighed 194 kg, with a weight of 337 kg at 210 days. Junior (PP) promises to be an ideal bull for pure breeding purposes and potentially for beef on dairy. He is not recommended for use as a calving ease bull.
Gonzesse P