Front Line Jolt Burton

Breed Brown Swiss A.I.-code 766824 Breed 100% BS
A.I.-code 766824
Herdbook number US 197430
colour brown
Date of birth 04-12-2003
Breed 100% BS
aAa code 642513

About Front Line Jolt Burton

Front Line Jolt Burton is a welcome addition to the Brown Swiss breeding programme. Burton’s sire Jolt only has a few lactating daughters in the Netherlands, so his reputation mainly rests on legs and calving ease.

Burton's dam has a good milk production record and was sired by a very good bull -Absolute -, who also scores well. His grand dam is a very famous cow and a daughter of the equally well-known Even, who has turned out to be highly in demand internationally.

One of the reasons we acquired Burton is his slightly unusual aAaA code 642513. Burton combines good fertility with a good somatic cell count, with slightly positive component percentages. At +1.9, he scores excellently for longevity in the USA. A bull can also easily be used as a calving ease bull with a score of just 5 in the USA, whereas 8/9 is the average score.

Mort Patrick Tom Et
Acres Jillette
Frontline Absolute Briana
Blessing Emerald Absolute
Top Acres Even Bounty