
Breed Brown Swiss A.I.-code 765756 Breed 100% BS
A.I.-code 765756
Herdbook number FR 3555133317
colour brown
Date of birth 03-10-2008
Breed 100% BS
Straw colour grey
aAa code 243615
Beta Casein A2/A2

About Dolmen

Dolmen is a lovely dairy type bull and descends from a unique bloodline. Grand dam Nanou merits EX 93 points and held the title of National Champion of France. In addition, she has an outstanding production performance with excellent component percentages - with an extremely high protein percentage in French terms. Her daughter Auray - who produces milk as well as her dam - was sired by Dalton. She was registered with VG 86 points as a heifer and combines high components with copious milk.

Sire Sun-Made Vigor is currently the highest ranked, Brown Swiss bull. He is notable for passing on exceptionally good udders. This bull also has all the strong points of the breed: Good legs, fertility and a good somatic cell count.

Dolmen is a well developed bull, who contributes milk type to his offspring. Given his pedigree, this bull has the potential to develop into a highly regarded breeding bull.

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