Adelgaard Grandprix

Breed Jersey A.I.-code 361169 Breed 100% Jersey
A.I.-code 361169
Herdbook number DK 05344803786
colour brown
Date of birth 13-10-2018
Breed 100% Jersey
Straw colour yellow
aAa code 132
Kappa Casein BB
Beta Casein A1/A2
Calving ease bull yes
Calving ease 114

About Adelgaard Grandprix

Adelgaard Grandprix (Gates x Irwin x Hirse) is a Danish-bred Jersey bull whose pedigree includes a small dash of American Jersey genes (via his dam's sire Irwin). His lineage boasts high components, good conformation and great durability (via a maternal line that excelled in durability traits). Several bulls with this pedigree have already found their way to AI organisations.

Gates, the sire of Grandprix, has an unbeatable ability to pass on great component percentages and scores well for durability, somatic cell count and fertility. His progeny also have faultless conformation and the Danish scores for inheritance show that he excels in quality udders. An aAa code of 156 and BB for kappa casein are other interesting traits offered by Gates.

The amazing durability of Grandprix’ maternal line has already been mentioned. Grandprix’s great great grandam completed five lactations, his great granddam nine and his granddam eight. His dam Sadie has now had three lactations and, like the previous three generations, produces milk with more than 6% fat and more than 4% protein. In the form of Collin, a bull previously used by K.I. SAMEN, his dam Sadie has a half-brother who can pass on the genetic predisposition of Grandprix's maternal line.

Vj Juulsgaard Gislev Gates
Vj Raastrup Hihl Gislev
Adelgaard Irwin Sadie
  • Best list 10844kg 6.03% 4.10%
  • Average. 4 lists 9746kg 5.90% 4.11%
  • 85 88 87 VG 89
All Lynns Valentino Irwin
Adelgaard Hirse Sia
  • Best list 9255kg 6.69% 4.29%
  • Average. 9 list 8068kg 6.44% 4.41%
  • VG 88